
Problem B

Languages da en is

Befunge er tvívítt, hlaðabundið, sjálfbreytandi forritunarmál, lýst sem blöndu milli Forth og Lemmings. Chris Pressey bjó það til árið 1993. Befunge forrit er skrifað á $25 \times 80$ hjólflötung af bókstöfum, flæðisstjórn forritsins er ákvörðuð útfrá því að fylgja örvatáknum. Það er einn hlaði heiltalna, afhlöðun af tómum stafla skilar heiltölunni $0$.

Skipanirnar eru:



Hlaðið þessarri (eins stafa) tölu ofan á hlaðann.

Tvístæð aðgerð


Afhlaðið $a$ og $b$, hlaðið síðan $b\oplus a$.



Afhlaðið $a$. Ef $a=0$ hlaðið $1$ annars $0$.

Meira en

Afhlaðið $a$ og $b$. Ef $b>a$ hlaðið $1$ annars $0$.



Breytið stefnu í vinstri, hægri, upp, niður.

Lárétt val


Afhlaðið $a$; setjið stefnu til hægri ef $a=0$, annars vinstri.

Lóðrett val


Afhlaðið $a$; setjið stefnu niður á við ef $a=0$, annars upp á við.



Hlaðið ASCII gildum eftirfarandi stafa á hlaðann þar til rekist er á "



Afhlaðið $a$, hlaðið $a$ tvisvar.



Afhlaðið $r$, $c$, og $v$. Setjið $v$ í röð $r$, dálk $c$.



Afhlaðið $r$ og $c$. Hlaðið gildinu í röð $r$, dálk $c$.



Víxlið efstu tveimur gildum hlaðans.



Afhlaðið (og hendið gildinu.)

Prenta tölu


Afhlaðið $a$ og prentið $a$ sem heiltölu með bili á eftir.

Prenta staf


Afhlaðið $a$ og prentið $a$-ta ASCII stafinn.



Hunsið næsta reit.



Ljúkið keyrslu.



(Bil.) Gerir ekkert.

Forritið byrjar á vinstrasta staf fyrstu línu og stefnir til hægri.

Fyrir $b$/$a$ og $b$%$a$ má gera ráð fyrir að $b\geq 0$ og $a>0$. Deiling er heiltöludeiling, rúnnuð niður á við. Fyrir aðgerðirnar skrá og sækja má gera ráð fyrir að $0\leq r\leq 24$ og $0\leq c\leq 79$. Engin reikniaðgerð skilar tölu utan bilsins $-2\, 147\, 483\, 648$ til $2\, 147\, 483\, 647$. Sérhver stafur sem , skilar er prentanlegur ASCII stafur á bilinu $20$$126$ eða nýlínustafur með ASCII gildi $10$. Gefið er að forritið muni keyra mest $1\, 000\, 000$ skref og prentar að minnsta kosti einn staf sem er ekki bilstafur.


  • Ein lína með tölunni $n\in \{ 1,\ldots , 25\} $, fjöldi Befunge kóðalína.

  • $n$ línur Befunge kóða, hver samanstandandi af $80$ stöfum.


Úttak Befunge-forritsins.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
>              v
v  ,,,,,"Hello"<
>48*,          v
Hello World!
Sample Input 3 Sample Output 3
>25*"!dlroW olleH":v
                >  ^
Hello World!
Sample Input 4 Sample Output 4
#v>                                                                            #
 >19+"sreehC",,,,,,,@ Unreachable code is comments. Note bridge in cell (0, 80).
Sample Input 5 Sample Output 5
1>|>                 #
  >^ Lines are 80 wide
Sample Input 6 Sample Output 6
05-. 12/. 67*. 67*, 83%. "x". ")-"87*2+,,, " ", 1\.. 1:.. 10$. 0!. @
-5 0 42 *2 120 :-) 0 1 1 1 1 1 
Sample Input 7 Sample Output 7
Sample Input 8 Sample Output 8
^v3:-1$$_,#! #:<\*52",Take one down, pass it around,"*520     <
^     >0"elttob erom oN">:#,_$"s"\1-#v_$>0"reeb fo ">:#,_$:2-!|
>>\:!#^_:.>0"elttob"    ^            >, ^
^1:_@#:,,,".":<_v#!-3\*25$_,#! #:<" on the wall"0             <
^2:,,","        <
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26 bottles of beer on the wall.

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25 bottles of beer on the wall.

25 bottles of beer on the wall,
25 bottles of beer,
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24 bottles of beer on the wall,
24 bottles of beer,
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23 bottles of beer on the wall.

23 bottles of beer on the wall,
23 bottles of beer,
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22 bottles of beer,
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21 bottles of beer on the wall,
21 bottles of beer,
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20 bottles of beer on the wall.

20 bottles of beer on the wall,
20 bottles of beer,
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19 bottles of beer on the wall.

19 bottles of beer on the wall,
19 bottles of beer,
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18 bottles of beer on the wall.

18 bottles of beer on the wall,
18 bottles of beer,
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17 bottles of beer on the wall.

17 bottles of beer on the wall,
17 bottles of beer,
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16 bottles of beer on the wall.

16 bottles of beer on the wall,
16 bottles of beer,
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15 bottles of beer on the wall.

15 bottles of beer on the wall,
15 bottles of beer,
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14 bottles of beer on the wall.

14 bottles of beer on the wall,
14 bottles of beer,
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13 bottles of beer on the wall.

13 bottles of beer on the wall,
13 bottles of beer,
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12 bottles of beer on the wall.

12 bottles of beer on the wall,
12 bottles of beer,
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11 bottles of beer on the wall.

11 bottles of beer on the wall,
11 bottles of beer,
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10 bottles of beer on the wall.

10 bottles of beer on the wall,
10 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
9 bottles of beer on the wall.

9 bottles of beer on the wall,
9 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
8 bottles of beer on the wall.

8 bottles of beer on the wall,
8 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
7 bottles of beer on the wall.

7 bottles of beer on the wall,
7 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
6 bottles of beer on the wall.

6 bottles of beer on the wall,
6 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
5 bottles of beer on the wall.

5 bottles of beer on the wall,
5 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
4 bottles of beer on the wall.

4 bottles of beer on the wall,
4 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
3 bottles of beer on the wall.

3 bottles of beer on the wall,
3 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
2 bottles of beer on the wall.

2 bottles of beer on the wall,
2 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
1 bottle of beer on the wall.

1 bottle of beer on the wall,
1 bottle of beer,
Take one down, pass it around,
No more bottles of beer on the wall.

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